Category Archives: Data Sources

DataFest 2015 @ the Edge

DataFest 2015Duke Libraries are happy to host the American Statistical Association’s Data Fest Competition the weekend of March 20-22nd.  In its fourth year at Duke, DataFest brings teams of students from across the Research Triangle to compete in a weekend long competition that stresses data cleaning, analytics, and visualization skills.   The Edge provides a central location for the competition with facilities designed for collaborative, data driven research.

While the deadline for forming DataFest teams has past, Data and Visualization Services and Duke’s Department of Statistical Sciences are happy to offer another opportunity to participate in DataFest.  Starting Monday, March 16th we are offering four workshops on data analytics and visualization in the four days leading up to the DataFest event.  All workshops are open to the public, but we strongly encourage early registration to ensure a seat. Please come join us as we get ready to celebrate ASA DataFest 2015.

DataFest Workshop Series

Monday, March 16th, 6:00-8:00 PM – Introduction to R

Tuesday, March 17th, 1:30-3:00 PM – Easy Interactive Charts and Maps with Tableau

Wednesday, March 18th,  6:00-8:00 PM – Data Munging with R and dplyr

Thursday, March 19th, 7:00-9:00 PM – Visualization in d3


New Year- New Data and Visualization Lab!

Data and Visualization Services is happy to announce our new Data and Visualization Lab in Duke Libraries new Edge research space.  Located on the first floor of the Bostock Library, the Brandaleone Family Lab for Data and Visualization Services offers a dedicated space for researchers working on data driven projects.

The lab features three distinct areas for supporting data driven research.

Data and Visualization Lab Space

Data and Visualization Lab Computing Zone

Our lab space features twelve high end workstations with dual monitors with the latest software for data visualization, digital mapping, statistics, and qualitative research.  All of the machines have two dedicated displays to encourage collaborative work and data consultations.  Additionally, all twelve machines have a dedicated power port located conveniently under the edge of the table for powering a laptop or usb powered device.

Bloomberg Professional “Bar”


Since the launch of our Bloomberg terminals, we have seen a steady increase in both individual and team based usage of Bloomberg financial data.  Our three Bloomberg Professional workstations are now located on a dedicated “bar” across from our lab machines.  The  new Bloomberg zone will facilitate collaborate work and provide a base for groups such as the Duke University Investment Club and Duke Financial Economics Center.

Consult and Collaborative SpaceCollaboration Zone

Our third lab space provides a set of four rolling tables for small groups to collaborate or for projects that don’t require a fixed computing space.   An 85″ flat panel display near this zone features data visualizations and other data driven research projects at Duke.

Come See Us!

With ample natural light,  almost 24/7 availability, and a welcoming staff eager to work with you on your next data driven project.  We look forward to working with you in the upcoming year!

Welcome to the Current Population Statistics on the Web

Duke University recently acquired access to the online version of its Current Population Statistics (CPS) CD-ROM collection to facilitate easy access to CPS data (Unicon’s CPS Utilities on the Web).  This blog post will walk through the basic data extraction process.  The interface is comparable to that provided by the CD, and users of this collection will find the interface and powerful.  Please note that the instructions provided on the web site are very important to read, particularly for those unfamiliar with the CPS CD version.

Create an Account

When you visit the Unicon site (, click the “CPS on Web” link to the left, then click the Register button.  You will have to enter some information to complete the registration process.

Once complete, submit the information.  Once the registration window closes, choose the CPS series (or month) you wish to query, and log in to the system.


1Navigation and Data Extraction

Once logged in, you will see a popup window like that shown in the image to the right.  For a typical data extraction, the following steps are advised.

1) First, click the Set Option button and chang4e the timeout to at least 300 seconds.  This will ensure successful data extraction.

2) Next, click the Make an Extraction button, followed by the Request Editor button on the next page.  You should see a page similar to that below (all variables used in your prior extraction will be listed).

23) Remove any variables you do not need.  Next, make certain the variable you wish to include is selected at the top and click “Add Variable(s).”  Alternatively, if you already know the names of the variables, you may type them into the boxes provided on the page.

4) Once all variables are added to the selection, click Continue.  On the following page, specify the output format for the dataset.  Once complete, be certain to select one or more years (at the top).  After you have selected years, click the Extract button.

5) On the following page, you will be presented with a list of variables by year.  As variables change across years in some cases, not all selected variables may be present for each year.  When selecting variables, checking the “View Documentation” checkbox at the top will allow for browsing of available years.


Other Useful Tools

– The Make a Table button allows for the construction of crosstabs of observations, means, and other statistics.  This is helpful if the goal is to locate variables for analysis or if there is a choice between two or more variables.

– The Make a Graph button is also useful for data exploration.  The program provides the ability to construct hsitograms, line charts, scatter ploys, pie charts, and bar charts.  Basic summaries of a variable can also be generated from this page.

– If your data need to be weighted to represent the US population, be certain to select the appropriate weight under the Apply Weights button before extraction.

– Subsets of individuals can also be produced under the Specify Universe button.  For example, a specific race or gender can be specified to reduce the sample to what you need.