Share More Data in the Duke Research Data Repository!

We are happy to announce expanded features for the public sharing of large scale data in the Duke Research Data Repository! The importance of open science for the public good is more relevant than ever and scientific research is increasingly happening at scale. Relatedly, journals and funding agencies are requiring researchers to share the data produced during the course of their research (for instance see the newly released NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy). In response to this growing and evolving data sharing landscape, the Duke Research Data Repository team has partnered with Research Computing and OIT to integrate the Globus file transfer system to streamline the public sharing of large scale data generated at Duke. The new RDR features include:

  • A streamlined workflow for depositing large scale data to the repository
  • An integrated process for downloading large scale data (datasets over 2GB) from the repository
  • New options for exporting smaller datasets directly through your browser
  • New support for describing and using collections to highlight groups of datasets generated by a project or group (see this example)
  • Additional free storage (up to 100 GB per deposit) to the Duke community during 2021!

While using Globus for both upload and download requires a few configuration steps by end users, we have strived to simplify this process with new user documentation and video walk-throughs. This is the perfect time to share those large(r) datasets (although smaller datasets are also welcome!).

Contact us today with questions or get started with a deposit!