Helenmary Sheridan, Research Data Management Consultant

Helenmary Sheridan, research data management consultant
Need held curating your data or identifying a repository to share data? Helenmary can help!

CDVS welcomes Helenmary Sheridan as the third member of the research data management (RDM) team. Helenmary joined Duke in August 2024 to help the library scale up classes, group trainings, and individualized consultations on RDM topics including NIH data management plans, data sharing in repositories such as the Duke Research Data Repository, and improving research reproducibility through documentation. Her position is supported by the Compute and Data Services Alliance for Research (CDSA), a new cross-campus initiative to support researchers with their computational needs.

Prior to joining Duke, Helenmary was the Data Services Librarian at the health sciences library at the University of Pittsburgh, where she provided data management training to faculty, staff, and students across the health disciplines. She has nearly ten years of experience working with scientific metadata and file formats, especially for data from imaging research (biomedical and otherwise.)

Helenmary’s favorite part of her job is teaching, especially Introduction to Research Data Management workshops for new graduate students and faculty that may be their first formal experience with research data methods. “It sounds like a dry subject,” she says, “so I love to see how excited researchers get when they realize how much easier these tools can make their lives.” You can contact Helenmary through the CDVS inbox at: askdata@duke.edu.

Preserving data access

image credit: data.gov
Federal data supports Duke research across disciplines.

Since January 31, 2025, Duke Libraries has received numerous reports of federal agencies removing access to data, altering existing research datasets, and purging data documentation. As we continue to monitor changes in access to federal data collections, I want to assure the Duke research community that we continue to work with colleagues in the curation, archives, and academic professional associations working to safeguard access and preservation of federal datasets.

This week (February 3, 2025), multiple data groups are meeting to plan coordination efforts for preserving the federal data record. Given the size and complexity of the federal government’s data holdings, early efforts are focused on identifying data at-risk and documenting existing efforts to ensure its preservation. Duke Libraries will continue to stay engaged through our institutional membership in the Data Curation Network and individual memberships in IASSIST and RDAP in these efforts. We will also continue to share news as this work evolves.

Resources for the Duke community

We realize that federal data access plays a fundamental role in advancing Duke research. We encourage you to contact askdata@duke.edu or your library subject specialist if you need advice on appropriate data sources or are unable to access the data that you need for research and/or teaching. We also welcome expressions of concern about access to federal data collections with the understanding that we are trying to focus our efforts (with data colleagues around the country) on federal data of particular importance to the Duke community.

We appreciate your concern, advocacy, and research efforts in this time. We look forward to working with you to ensure data access for the Duke community.