Data and GIS Winter Newsletter 2012

Data driven teaching and research at Duke keeps growing and Perkins Data and GIS continues to increase support for researchers and classes employing data, GIS, and data visualization tools.  Whether your discipline is in the Humanities, Sciences, or Social Sciences, Perkins Data and GIS seeks to support researchers and students using numeric and geospatial data across the disciplines.

New Website for 2012

You can find:

  • Online data or digital maps that you need for your project
  • A workshop on the latest software packages and digital tools

New workshops for 2012
Clean your data with Google Refine. Learn about data management planning. Visualize your data with Tableau Public, or map your results using ArcGIS or Google Earth Pro.  A new series of workshops connects traditional statistical, geospatial, and visualization tools with web based options.  Register online for our courses or schedule a session for your course by emailing

  • StataReview                               (Statistics/Data Management)
  • Introduction to ArcGIS           (Geographic Information Systems / Data Visualization)
  • Data Management Planning  (Data Management/Grants)
  • Geocommons                            (Geographic Information Systems / Data Visualization)
  • Google Earth (Pro)                   (Geographic Information Systems / Data Visualization)
  • Google Refine                           (Data Management/Descriptive Statistics)
  • Tableau Public                          (Data Visualization)

Bloomberg (terminals) have arrived

Duke Libraries in pleased to announce the installation of three Bloomberg financial terminals in the Data and GIS Lab in 226 Perkins.  The terminals provide the latest news and financial data and include an application that makes it easy to export data to Excel.  Access is restricted to all current Duke affiliates.

Get help with Data Management Planning

Data and GIS has launched a new guide that provides guidance for researchers looking for advice on data management plans now required by several granting agencies.  The guide provides examples of sample plans, key concepts involved in writing a plan, and contact information for groups on campus providing data management advice.

New Collections
Explore the Indonesian Village Potential Statistics (PODES), look at household economic behavior in the Indian National Sample Survey, or explore historical digital maps of Europe- the Data and GIS collection collects research data sets and maps of interest to the Duke community covering a wide range of topics.

Support for Restricted Data Contracts and Restricted Data Licensing
Perkins Library has partnered with the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) to support restricted data licensing with Paul Pooley as a restricted data specialist.  Paul is available  to work with researchers licensing restricted data and negotiating restricted data management plans.  Please contact Paul or for more details.

Contact Us! – twitter: duke_data

Joel Herndon
Head, Data and GIS Services
Location: Room 227 Perkins
Mark Thomas
Economics/GIS Librarian
Location: Room 233 Perkins
Teddy Gray
Biological Sciences Librarian
Location: Room 233 Perkins