Category Archives: Statistics

Rolling with R in 2011

Interest in the open source statistical package R has grown over the last few years as researchers discover its powerful graphic capabilities, a suite of packages that extend its functionality, and its data import capabilities.  While several courses use R to teach introductory statistics, most researchers arrive at R with some statistical experience.  The following selected resources represent a growing number of books and websites designed to help orient users to the capabilities of R.

Quick-R Homepagequick_r
This website tries to provide a quick overview of basic data management and statistical capabilities of R for current SAS, SPSS, Stata, and Systat users.  The stress is on providing a brief overview of R commands for common data analysis needs.

R for Stata UsersR for Stata
A comprehensive guide for getting started in R using Stata as point of reference.

R for SAS and SPSS Users (not pictured)
Similar concept as R for Stata users.

Using R for Introductory Statistics
John Verzani’s R for Introductory Statistics is one of several introductions to using R for basic statistics. Examples are available as an R package.

Do you have other sources that you like for R?  Let us know in the comments.