Category Archives: Study

Caffeine and study

Is caffeine bad for you and will the library build more independent study rooms? [3349A]

You might want to look back at 3342B regarding the effects of caffeine (summary: see MedLine Plus  from the National Library of Medicine to begin to sort through the health issues).  The renovation plans do include more group study rooms, but unfortunately during renovations of Perkins floors 2-4 many of them will need to be appropriated by library staff who need temporary office space.  Be aware that groups have priorities in group study rooms and staff may evict an individual if a group needs one.

Needs to study harder

Does getting a “C” mean that I can’t get into a good PhD program? Keeping in mind that I am a master’s student now. [3343C]

AP always thought that a “C” in graduate school indicated a non-passing grade. I’m sure that there are no hard and fast litmus tests for admission into most Ph.D. programs, but you’ll have to be pretty sharp in the other areas of your academic career. You might want to re-take the class in question and get an A+ next time.

Study rooms

Is this library going to build many more private study rooms? [3342C]

Yes, more group study rooms are in the plans for the renovations.  Over the next couple of years, unfortunately, until all the renovations are complete, there may be a loss of some group study rooms because some temporarily will be needed for offices by staff who are displaced by the construction.


Is caffeine bad for you? Should I be drinking Dr. Pepper and Coke to stay awake? [3342B]

There seems to be agreement that in large quantities caffeine can be bad for you. How much is too much is debated. You can search the MedLine Plus website from the National Library of Medicine for links to reliable websites, or look for journal articles in MedLine The amount of caffeine in Coke and Dr. Pepper is far less than in coffee. How much you need to stay awake depends on how much of a dependence on caffeine you’ve built up, but your complexion and oral hygiene and weight would all probably suffer from all that sugar if you depend on soda pop for your caffeine fix.