What percentage of Central Campus burglaries occur in 1st floor apartments? [3349C]
Most burglars are lazy and want a quick getaway, so I’m sure that it’s the majority.
Originally appeared in the Perkins Lobby Suggestion Book.
What percentage of Central Campus burglaries occur in 1st floor apartments? [3349C]
Most burglars are lazy and want a quick getaway, so I’m sure that it’s the majority.
Can one still use the library’s services once he has graduated? [3349B]
Yes, to a limited extent. Alumni can get a discounted borrower card (free for Perkins System plus Divinity; $75 for all campus libraries), but this does not give off-campus access to subscribed databases and e-journals. If you come to the library, you’re free to use services and materials here.
Is caffeine bad for you and will the library build more independent study rooms? [3349A]
You might want to look back at 3342B regarding the effects of caffeine (summary: see MedLine Plus from the National Library of Medicine to begin to sort through the health issues). The renovation plans do include more group study rooms, but unfortunately during renovations of Perkins floors 2-4 many of them will need to be appropriated by library staff who need temporary office space. Be aware that groups have priorities in group study rooms and staff may evict an individual if a group needs one.
How does one avoid getting shocked by static, or at least diminish its effects?? [3348C]
You need to remain permanently grounded so you don’t build up a charge. I recommend walking around barefoot, and drinking lots of coffee so the soles of your feet stay sweaty. You could also attach to your body those anti-static straps that dangle from some cars and trucks to keep the vehicle grounded. You can find these next to the fuzzy dice and curb feelers in your friendly local auto parts store.
Is a world with one search engine (Google) comparable to a world with 1 political party (totalitarianism)? [3348B]
Well, you can see the April 9 issue of Business Week. Some people think so. But unlike a totalitarian state, there isn’t anything keeping you from using another inferior search engine, is there?
Why did they call [Duke student] “the library” last semester? [3348A]
I hope you don’t have anything against libraries. It sounds a lot more distinguished than calling him “The Parking Deck” or “The Steam Plant.”
Why is my ex-girlfriend so insane? [3347B]
Because you’re her boyfriend. (Or is that just a symptom?)
Why is [Duke basketball player] a one-minute man? [3347A]
It may have something to do with impatience, which might explain his bolting for the NBA.
Fusa vs. Narwhal The ultimate battle… who wins???? [3346C]
And which fusa might that be? Do you refer to the fossa, the carnivorous beast of Madagascar? Besides disliking each other’s habitats, I don’t think these two would be much interested in each other (as a meal), so they’d probably leave each other alone unless fighting over a feast of fish. Being an aquatic mammal and able to dive deeply would enable the narwhal to easily run away, not bothering to impale the fossa on its tusk.
Will the Duke Table Tennis Team fare well at the National Championships in Columbus? [3346B]
Since AP is trying to catch up on a backlog of questions, I have the benefit of hindsight, but it doesn’t look like Duke went to those championships this year. Perhaps NC State did something sneaky to get by us. Better luck next year.