Category Archives: Duke Libraries

Final answer is . . .

When was this book started?  Where are the past Q&A’s archived?  What, in your opinion, are the 5 best questions asked in the past 5 years?  Thanks. [3554C]

This book started in 1982, so Answer Person began answering questions nearly thirty years ago. Past questions and answers, whether from the lobby book or online, are archived at the Answer Person site. I’m not sure what the top five questions in the past five years were, but this one is at the very top!

Finding a staple in a haystack

Why don’t the staplers (next to the bookdrop/in front of the printers) ever work?!?! [3553B]

You might be surprised to learn that, in a recent survey Duke University was ranked second nationally in library patron staple usage. Couple that with theft and damage, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the demand. Photocopiers and staplers in Duke University Libraries are restocked four times daily; if a stapler is empty between this reloading cycle, patrons can ask for additional staples at any of the service points (Circulation Desk and The Melba Silver Reference Desk in Perkins Library, and the Fischer-Zernin Family Service Desk in Bostock Library).

Perkins renovations

I’m curious. After the Perkins renovations, what will it look like? Are there pictures or plans we could peruse?

The style will be pretty much what you see in Bostock and in Perkins 1st floor and Lower Floor 2. There are some web pages on the renovation project that haven’t been updated in a long time, and similar information was on a kiosk in the entry hall of Perkins, but these don’t include interior views or floor plans besides a few artist’s sketches of interiors. The specific floor plans aren’t publicly available, but there will be a mixture of book storage, open study areas, group study rooms, individual study carrels, classrooms (in the Perkins Lower Floor 1), and staff offices.

Study carrels

Why are there so few closed carrels?  Why are there so many that seem free, but I’m so far down the wait list it looks like I won’t even get one before I get my degree?  At the end of the semester will I suddenly get bumped up a few notches? [3355C]

Our Circulation Dept. manages the carrel reservations, so you should check with them regarding your placement on the waiting list. Yes, you should move up as others move on in life.  If there are carrels that seem free, it must be that whoever has them keeps them empty.  During renovations, there will be a lower number of grad student and faculty closed study carrels since some of that space is needed for library staff left without offices.  This should be remedied within a couple of years.


Where is a bathroom with a couch, sink, and toilet? (In the stacks – where?) [3352B]

Most of the larger women’s restrooms include a couch, in addition to the required restroom equipment.  If you’re a guy, please crash on one of the big chairs in the public study areas in the library.

Mattresses in stacks

Could we get more mattresses in the stacks, because I have graduation requirements to fulfill!  [in another hand] Maybe one of those vending machines with the Twix/condoms 2-for-1? [3351A]

Using mattresses is cheating. You’re supposed to use the floor (the concrete part, at that).  Regarding the second comment, can’t you plan ahead enough to purchase supplies at the lobby store in the Bryan Center or at a local drug store?