All posts by Library Answer Person

Boston Public Library

Would you persuade our Boston Public Library to
pull together
a similar comment, suggestions and questions book?…

Indifferent manners bordering on ignorant dismissive manners
are at BPL de rigueur !

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: They actually have a “Suggestion Box.”

The URL is

You can e-mail them directly:

Web Link Offered Music Library Listings

The H. Leslie Adams Home Page
offers extensive information on one of the leading late 20th century American composers. This suggestion is directed to Yale Fineman for inclusion in his web listings of contemporary composers. Adams is listed in the Groves Dictionary, 2nd ed 2000, among many others. His works have been performed by the Prague Radio Symphony, Iceland Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra, Buffalo Philharmonic and Minneapolis Symphony, among many others. Metropolitan Opera artists have sung is vocal works internationlly.

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: Thank you for the suggestion. I will send it on to Mr. Fineman. – America's Political Portal

Hello, has recently launched, providing a new resource on the Net for politics, elections and government. I would be very grateful if, after reviewing our site, you added it to your links page.

Thank you.

Paul Hrabal
Tel/fax: (916) 797-7443


Thanx for the information about your site. It looks very interesting, and I am passing it on to our political science bibliographer. You might want to check out her subject web page at

CPS Adquisition of Bibliographic Materia

CPS offers them possibility to acquire publications periodicas that they publish in Mexico, since we counted on a data base with more than 4000 publication titles that are published in our country, we counted on experience of more than 18 years in the branch and on the infrastructure necessary to cover all and each one with its necessities in relation to the hiring of existing bibliographic material in Mexico and the World.

Our site is:
CPS is the best option for their hirings.

It does not remain with the doubt and it asks for our services, notary publics soliciing the information of the titles that interest to him and immediately we will answer to him.


Department of Subscriptions

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: What creative marketing! Unfortunately, the Online Suggestion Book was never intended for solicitations.

See the library’s web page for subject specialists ( Our subject bibliographers are always interested in cost effective and efficient suppliers of foreign materials.

Free turkey with every checkout

Some grocery stores give away pumkin pies or cranberries. To complete my Thanksgiving meal, will you give me a turkey?


And have a Happy Thanksgiving!

(On our budget you were expecting more?)

The Independent in the Perkins Foyer

I know the Perkins Foyer is a good place to find campus publications such as the Chronicle and the Dialogue. At one time I remember even the Duke Review could be found in the Perkins Foyer — a publication that was unaffilitiated with Duke. The Bryan Center performs a similar service. But unlike the Bryan Center, one can never find distribution of the Independent in the Perkins Foyer. Could you contact the Independent and ask them to include Perkins as a drop off site?

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: What a newsworthy suggestion! I’ll send this on to someone who has experience with these things, and maybe something can be arranged.

Belgian Bibliography?

Why do we have an ERL database that is only in French and Flemish? This database is costing us money so that one professor can have what he/she wants. Please get rid of it and use the money to purchase something the students would like

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: The Duke University libraries comprise the largest research library in the Southeast, including subscriptions to about 150 web-based databases, as well as thousands of CD-ROMs. The key is that as a major research library we support specialized but important areas of study, many of which are not of interest to the population at large, but are vital to the nature of the institution as a whole. If we were to limit ourselves to only those topics and databases that everyone is interested in, and only in English at that, Duke would not be a pre-eminent university.

For further information about this specific resources, you should speak with our bibliographer for Western European studies, Helene Baumann, (660-5847;

Purchase of Books

Every time one wants to suggest a purchase, one has to fill up the personal data. Please have button to ask whether there are any more suggestions for purchase and if the answer is yes, bring back the form with the personal data.


ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: Good idea. It is often helpful to keep requests separate (such as when some may already be here, or on order, or when notifications of arrivals have to be made), but your approach would maintain that option. I’ll pass it on to the appropriate web page guru.