Duke rated as the 3rd best for college libraries. Can you tell me what the students like best about your library? Just trying to get some ideas for our library.
You’re referring to The Princeton Review survey in 2009 (actually, Duke University Libraries ranked 4th in the 2010 survey). When the Libraries held its celebration reopening Perkins Library floors 2-4 and lower floor 1 last August, a student government leader spoke about the “Top Ten Reasons Why we Dukies Love our Library.”
One of the things she noted was the variety of high quality and inspiring study spaces: from individual study carrels and group study rooms to soft seating and traditional reading rooms, the Libraries has a space to meet everyone’s needs. Nearly 6M volumes and a staff dedicated to public service are both highly valued by our students, and the annual student-organized and funded themed cocktail party each February continues to be extremely popular. And perhaps most importantly, she said that “the collaborative energy and spirit of Duke is more visible in the library than anywhere else on campus.”
Check out our new virtual tour of the library, produced by our staff.