What's the matter with y'all?

Why do so many people have such a hard time writing the term y’all? Although it’s southern slang and not proper English, it’s just a simple contraction of the words you and all… I’ve seen ya’ll, you’ll, and all sorts of ridiculously off-the-mark attempts. It just doesn’t seem that difficult to me…

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: I suspect that since it’s generally spoken, and not part of “official” written English, the contraction is confusing to people. I think y’all makes the most sense, but if it’s not official, then perhaps people can be given some leeway. What about yawl?

Since “proper” English doesn’t have a distinctive 2nd person plural personal pronoun, and since “you” and “all” are legitimate English words, why not accept the term as “proper.” “Youse” is also completely legitimate.