Besides homosexuality, what are some other things prohibited by the Christian Bible? Certainly the 10 Commandments come to mind, but my friend said that cutting one’s hair is not allowed. Is he right and are there other obscure things that the Bible forbids?
ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: Answer Person, like other librarians, must defer from answering questions that involve medical and legal (including tax) advice. AP extends this same principle to questions involving religious interpretation.
I can help point you in the right direction, and can perhaps say a little more regarding more cut-and-dry questions (like the recent one about the Jewish calendar), but will, in general, have to point you in the direction of religious experts, reference works, or catalog searches. Also, a question involving judgment is a major research project, not something that can be answered in a few sentences. Religious experts certainly don’t agree on issues like this–prohibitions may be subtly stated, who is being prohibited from doing something can be debated, etc.
The bottom line is that I recommend you visit the fine folks at the Divinity School Library to direct you to sources that will help you answer your questions. Since you’ll no doubt find conflicting opinions or incomplete answers, you might just want to closely read all of the Bible yourself. The more translations the better, and perhaps in the original Hebrew and Greek. I would avoid a Google search for such topics; you’ll find that there are a lot of crackpots out there.