Fannie Bell Chapman Gospel Singer

Hi, My name is Dereck Remon Moody. My mother is Rosie Marie Chapman Moody. She’s the daughter of Fannie Bell Chapman. Fannie is my grandmother and would love to recieve information on her. A copy of her video would help. Please contact me in any way you can. Also some of the rest of the family is still living that sings in the video,
Please contact me:
Dereck Remon Moody
P.O.Box 1061
Centreville, MS 39631
or call (601) 645-5335 or (601) 276-3123 ask for Dereck or any other older adult.
Thanks alot….

ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: Her album was distributed by Rooster Blues Records (Chicago, 1983). The company is still in business, and even has its own web site: There is also another firm (related?) that sells the album: Stackhouse, 3516 Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO 64109; 816-931-0383; fax#: 816-531-7131, e-mail

The 43 minute video was made by the Center for Southern Folklore (1975). They are located at P.O. Box 226, Memphis, Tennessee 38101; (901) 525-3655; Fax: (901) 544-9965; e-mail:

Happy hunting!