I’m a grad student in biology – do you know of any way that students can access their own circulation accounts to find out 1) what is out on their account and 2) when they are due back. Additionally, is there anyway to get info. from all libraries (i.e., Perkins and BES) in a single record, including ILL books. And, finally, can individual books be renewed from such a web page selectively rather than having ALL books renewed simultaneously?
If there is no way to do such a simple search, is it possible to request that a patron-directed search page be instated? It would make renewals and inquiries much easier for patrons, as well as, I imagine, much easier for library staff who regularly have to answer such questions or make renewels. A very good example of such a page can be found at the main library at the University of Cincinnati (http://ucolk2.olk.uc.edu/screens/opacmenu.html), where patrons are also able to “pull up” and request books from any affiliated collegiate library system (OHIOLink) in Ohio (http://olc1.ohiolink.edu/search/) (therefore making it easier on ILL staff). The page where one can inquire about their own account is ( If you wish, I would gladly show you how to access it, using my old account.
Thank you,
Phil Novack-Gottshall
ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: According to the heads of Circulation and ILL:
The new WEB2 version of DRA (the name of our online catalog and circulation system) will allow individuals to view their own circulation records and request renewal of specific items (utilizing a PIN number). All checked out items from any Duke Campus Library would be on the record. It is possible the new DRA version will be implemented in the Spring semester or if not then, it will likely be implemented over the summer.
We hope that someday we will have a system where you can check your own ILL requests online. In the meantime, feel free to call (660-5890) or e-mail (ILLrequests@duke,edu) or come in to the ILL office (117 Perkins), and we can check our system for your ILL items.