The book I’m looking for is a Hotel book with the name of the owners of major hotel chains.
Such as Sheraton, owned by…etc,etc…
but this sheraton owned by, Mr. Joe smith.
Is there such a book? I thought there was one, it was about 12inches length, 6 inches wide. If you have that, please let me know.
Yolanda Belaski
ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: Your question is complicated first, by who actually owns all the hotels in a major chain. They may be franchised to individual owners. They also may franchised to groups that own several, or ownership is retained by the parent corporation, in which case the senior person involved with a particular facility is the manager.
All of the directories of individual hotels do not list owners. You might try the American Hotel & Motel Association ( for more information.
(Their web site is at
Finally, Answer Person doesn’t hit the “Suggestion” book for reference support as quickly as most (including A-Person) would like. Certainly not in a timely manner if your questions needed quick assistance. That is why there are alternatives, including:
1. Our phone service, but coming from California this may not be the most reasonable (a realizing that we are open, normally, until 10 PM only Sunday-Thursday, and until 5 PM on Fridays and Saturdays); or
2. A local library–there are several good ones in the San Jose area; or
3. E-mail Reference at