And then there were TWO!

After three rounds of voting, the brackets are cleared, and just two Superhero movies remain standing – our Dynamic Duo of Black Panther and the family known as The Incredibles.
Are you surprised?
Lilly’s expert bracketologist, the man with super-vision and powers of prognostication isn’t … and, yet, he is also “incredibly” surprised:

This just in from the FANTASTIC FOUR news desk…
The Black Panther continues its meteoric path through the brackets, mowing down Thor: Ragnarok 95-40!
And in a complete shocker, The Incredibles, proving that blood runs thicker than water and that no one can take them out, squeak by Spiderman Into the Spider-verse, 70-65! I, your expert, for one did not see this happening! Stay tuned for the DYNAMIC DUO Champion Round:
VOTE for the Conquering Hero HERE
Round 4 Voting
Friday, March 29th until Monday, April 1st at noon.

Results announced Monday, April 1st at 6pm
Who will prevail? Will you be fooled?
Nathaniel Brown, Lilly Library Media and Reserves Coordinator
Carol Terry, Lilly Library Collection Services & Communications Coordinator