Recent Library News
- Scheduled Database ClinicalKey Testing Notice on Friday, February 14th, 2025
- 2024 Duke MBA Health Care Conference Registration Open
- Collection Strategy & Development (CSD) announces new collection diversity analysis practicum
- This Valentine’s Day, Go on a Mystery Date with a Book
- Black History Month: Donald T. Moore
- Don’t-Miss Database: Black Women Writers
- Preserving data access
- Celebrate Love Data Week!
- Welcome Roger Peña! Duke’s New Librarian for Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies
- Black History Month: A Medical Perspective
- Countdown to SciENcv for NIH Biosketches
- Black History Month Spotlight: Brenda Armstrong
- ONLINE: Low Maintenance Book Club reads “Galatea”
- Quick Pic: What’s in the lab?
- What to Read this Month: January
- Search Tips and Videos for Using Databases
- Staff Highlight: Student Assistant
- Duke University Libraries Summer Research Grants for LIFE Students
- “You Had to Be There:” Charis Books and More’s’ 50-Year History as the South’s Oldest Independent Feminist Bookstore
- Welcome our new Data Visualization Specialist McCall Pitcher!
Exhibits at the Library
Upcoming Library Events
- An Introduction to Reproducible Research PracticesTuesday, February 11, 10:00 AM
- Intermediate Tableau: Visualizing Likert-scale survey dataTuesday, February 11, 1:00 PM
- Creating Online Maps with ArcGISWednesday, February 12, 1:00 PM
- R for Lunch: Streamlining reproducible workflows - from code to reports, slides & dashboardsThursday, February 13, 12:00 PM
- Valentine's Day Craft Pop-Up ❤Thursday, February 13, 1:00 PM
- Remarkable Stories of American Black Surgeons in the 19th and Early 20th CenturiesThursday, February 13, 5:00 PM
- Intro to QGISWednesday, February 19, 1:00 PM
- “An Open Mesh of Possibilities”: Thinking Queerness with Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s ArchiveWednesday, February 26, 11:00 AM
- Ethics of Data Management and SharingWednesday, February 26, 1:00 PM
- R for Lunch: Custom functions and ggplot2Thursday, February 27, 12:00 PM
- Getting It Published: Patents: A Quick OverviewFriday, February 28, 12:00 PM
- Elevating your Excel charts with PowerPointTuesday, March 4, 10:00 AM
- R for Lunch: Larger than RAM computing with simplified SQL techniques and duckdbThursday, March 6, 12:00 PM
- Flipping the Bird FridayFriday, March 7, 12:15 PM
- Sharing Human Participants Data: Challenges and (Potential) SolutionsThursday, March 13, 2:00 PM
- Preparing for Data Publishing: Standards and Disciplinary Repositories (General Case Studies)Wednesday, March 19, 10:00 AM
- [RCR] The empowered author: understanding changes in scholarly publishing, protecting your interests, and promoting ethical publishing practicesTuesday, March 25, 2:00 PM
- [RCR] Understanding and negotiating publication contractsThursday, March 27, 2:00 PM
- Getting it Published: Protecting, Publishing, and Licensing Your Software Code, Inventions, Data, AI/ML, and Digital Innovations at DukeFriday, March 28, 12:00 PM
- Flipping the Bird FridayFriday, April 4, 12:15 PM