Dear readers, did you enjoy your winter break? We did, too—but we were busy!
Since December 17th, we’ve been packing our offices, our reading room, our common workspaces—basically, everything that’s not a rare book or archival collection—and moved to our new digs on the 3rd floor of Perkins Library. This is where you’ll come to do research (and visit us!) during the renovation, which is currently slated for completion in the summer of 2015.
Now that we’re all settled into our new space, we’ll be spending the rest of January and the first half of February moving our collections from their current stacks locations to our 3rd floor Perkins stacks or to the Library Service Center. (Yes, you’ll still be able to visit and do research during this collections move. Visit our “FAQ for Researchers” to learn more about researching at the Rubenstein Library during the move period.)
Since we need all hands on deck to ensure that our collections are moved safely and securely, we’re going to be temporarily turning the blog into a photo diary of the move process. Check back a few times each week to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at a logistical process that’s been a couple of years in the making! (And the blog will return to its normal self on February 18th.)
And now, we present “What We Did Over Our Winter Vacation” by the Rubenstein Staff:

Helpful Links:
- Map to 3rd floor Perkins Reading Room
- Rubenstein Renovation website
- “Rubenstein Renovation” set on Flickr (more photos!)