As we say good-bye to 2011 and welcome 2012, the staff of the Rubenstein Library would like to thank its researchers, fans, and supporters. This has been an incredibly busy and exciting year!

Highlights were the generous gifts from David M. Rubenstein and Merle Hoffman. The library formerly known as the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library is now the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Bingham Center Director Laura Micham is now the Merle Hoffman Director.
We also welcomed wonderful new colleagues! The History of Medicine Collections and their curator, Rachel Ingold, joined us in July. We are thrilled to add these rich materials, which beautifully complement our existing collections, and such a knowledgeable colleague. We were delighted to welcome Valerie Gillispie as our new Duke University Archivist and Kat Stefko as Head of Technical Services. Finally, Molly Bragg, former Drill Intern, has returned to work as our move coordinator, assisting us in preparing for renovation.
The excitement will continue in 2012 as plans for the Rubenstein renovation are finalized.
We wish you all health, happiness, and plenty of good books (and manuscripts!) in the New Year!
Post contributed by Elizabeth Dunn