Our Seventh Annual Edible Book Festival was a success! In case you were unable to attend the event, images of the entries are now available on our Flickr Page. The silent auction of the entries raised over $350 $400 for the DUL Memorial Fund in honor of Helene Baumann.
Thanks to all who entered, attended, bid and voted for their favorites!
The Winners By Popular Vote Are:
Most edible: Game of Scones by Linda McCormick
Least edible: Four Fish (savory) by Beth Doyle
Punniest: A Tone Mint by Meghan Lyon
Entry that looks like a book: The Hunger Games by Angela Bryant
Best in Show: The Hunger Games by Angela Bryant
Edible Book Festival In The News:
Duke On Demand video.
Herald Sun coverage.
Duke Today announcement.
Word has it that we were on the news yesterday (perhaps WRAL?), but I haven’t found a link. If you saw it, and can find a link for me, please leave it in the comments. Thanks!
I *love* that there’s a “least edible” category.
I need somewhere to focus my talents!