Tag Archives: Edible Book Festival

Quick Pic: 9th Annual Edible Book Festival

Silence of the Yams
“Silence of the Yams”

April 1st marked our 9th annual Edible Book Festival. We raised over $400 for the Duke Libraries Memorial Fund through our silent auction.

Thanks to the following for donating prizes:

A big thank-you to everyone who entered, bid, and helped set up the festival. Thanks especially to Mark Z. for taking pictures. It takes a village to put on this event and we are deeply appreciative of the support we get from our Library and our colleagues.

Winners of the popular vote:

Images of  all of the entries are on Flickr. Which entry is your favorite?

Edible Book Festival Is Almost Here!

edible book festival
“Cat In The Hat & Much More” by Angela and Emily Bryant. Winner of the 2013 Best In Show Award.

Start cooking the books! The 9th Annual Edible Book Festival will take place on April 1st from 2-3:30pm in Perkins Library room 217. Note the room change this year.

As in years past we will have a silent auction of the entries. Competitive bidding is highly encouraged. Proceeds will support the Duke University Libraries Helene Baumann Fund.

Attendees will be asked to electronically vote for your favorite entries in the following categories:

  • Most Edible
  • Least Edible
  • Best book structure (looks or acts most like a real book)
  • Best student entry (k-12, college and grad students)
  • Punniest
  • Best In Show

The auction and voting will take place between 2-3pm, with winners announced shortly thereafter. Please bring your entries to Perkins 217 at 1:30pm.  We need time to enter them into the electronic voting database.

For past years’ entries, visit Flickr and search “Edible Book Festival” or click on the Edible Book Festival website for direct links. Light refreshments will also be served.

Edible Book Festival Roundup

Girl With A Pearl Onion
Girl With a Pearl Onion by Lori Nofziger

Our Seventh Annual Edible Book Festival was a success! In case you were unable to attend the event, images of the entries are now available on our Flickr Page. The silent auction of the entries raised over $350 $400 for the DUL Memorial Fund in honor of Helene Baumann.

Thanks to all who entered, attended, bid and voted for their favorites!

The Winners By Popular Vote Are:

Most edible: Game of Scones by Linda McCormick
Least edible: Four Fish (savory) by Beth Doyle
Punniest: A Tone Mint by Meghan Lyon
Entry that looks like a book: The Hunger Games by Angela Bryant
Best in Show: The Hunger Games by Angela Bryant

Edible Book Festival In The News:

Duke On Demand video.

Herald Sun coverage.

Duke Today announcement.

Word has it that we were on the news yesterday (perhaps WRAL?), but I haven’t found a link. If you saw it, and can find a link for me, please leave it in the comments. Thanks!


Seventh Annual Edible Book Festival Is Near!

Warren PeaceWe are less than a week away from the Seventh Annual Edible Book Festival. We will be celebrating on Monday, April 2, from 2pm-3:30pm in the Gothic Reading Room.

If you will be bringing an entry, please do so by 1:30pm so we can take its picture and get it entered into our online database for electronic voting.

Edible or not, every entry will be eligible for bidding in the silent auction to benefit the Duke University Libraries Helene Baumann Memorial Fund. If you are interested in participating in the silent auction, stop by the registration table for your secret identity when you arrive.

Winners in each of our voting categories will be announced around 3pm. Auction winners will be announced around 3:15, and then the eating can begin!

If you need some inspiration for your entry, visit our Flickr page and the International Edible Book Festival.

Edible Book Festival Head Up!

Medium Raw (liver)
"Medium Raw," 2011 winner of Least Edible Award

It’s never too early to start planning your edible book festival entry. This year we will be celebrating on Monday, April 2nd, from 2-3:30pm in the Gothic Reading Room. Details can be found on the Edible Book Festival web page.

The event is open to all Duke University and Medical Center staff, students, and the general public. There is no entry fee. The only rule: Make edible art that has something to do with books as shapes or content. Past EBF entries can be seen on  Flickr.

You don’t have to enter to join the fun, the Festival includes:

  • Refreshments that you will want to eat, unlike some of the entries.
  • Voting for your favorite entries in several categories. Help them win a prize!
  • An opportunity to participate in the silent auction. Take your favorite edible book home with you!


5th Annual Edible Book Festival (2010)

At our 5th Annual EBF we raised $649 for the DUL Memorial Fund (Helene Baumann Fund) through the silent auction and additional donations. A big thank you to everyone for attending and for making some great entries, and thanks to Mark Zupan for the images. Photos from the event are on our Flickr site. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Winners by Popular Vote

Punniest Entry: Jack and the Beans-Talk! (Meg Brown)

Best Book Structure: Tie between Scarlet Pumpernickel (Erin Hammeke) and Books With Scallion Staples (Rachel Ingold)

Most Edible: All Creatures Great and Small (Beth Doyle)

Least Edible: Damp Squid (Beth Doyle)

Favorite Overall: In Defense of Food (Amy and David Turner)

Best Student Entry:  Tie between The Three Golden Keys (Liam Brown) and Mistletoe and the Three Kittens (Eddie Brown).

Most Votes Across All Categories: Mistletoe and the Three Kittens (Liam Brown)

4th Annual Edible Book Festival (2009)

The Edible Book Festival was held in the Gothic Reading Room this year on April 1, 2009. A silent auction was held to raise money for the Helene Baumann Memorial Fund. Read more from the Duke Office of News and Communications. Photos from the event are on the Duke University Libraries Flickr page.

We raised $628 for the DUL Memorial Fund (Helene Baumann Fund) through the silent auction and additional donations. A big thank you to everyone for attending and for making some great entries, and thanks to Mark Zupan for the images. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Winners by Popular Vote

Punniest Entry: War and Peas (Amy Turner)

Best Book Structure: Vellum Bindings (Meg Brown)

Most Edible: Night (Judy Bailey)

Least Edible: Brief History of Thyme (Bridget Booher)

Favorite Overall: Very Hungry Caterpillar (Sarah Hodkinson)

Best Student Entry: Little Enginie That Could (Bernadette O’Reilly and Hannah Reynolds)

Most Votes Across All Categories: Little Engine That Could (Bernadette O’Reilly and Hannah Reynolds)

3rd Annual Edible Book Festival (2008)

Our third annual Edible Book Festival raised $469 for the Duke University Libraries Memorial Fund. Images of the entries can be found on Flickr. Unfortunately two entries did not get their photos taken, both were entered by Emily Schmidt and titled “The Unbearable Lightness of Bean” and “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Sucrets.” The titles alone are amusing, apologies to Emily for the oversight.