Pulitzer-Winning Poet and U.S. Laureate Charles Simic died this week. If you want to learn more about his significance to the world of poetry, you can read this Washington Post obituary or watch this short PBS News Hour video. The Poetry Foundation website also has an accessible biography and a place to start with some of his poems.
If you want to dive in deeper to his work, we have you covered. Here’s just a selection of what we have:
The Voice at 3:00 a.m.: Selected Late & New Poems
Charles Simic: Selected Early Poems
The Monster Loves his Labyrinth: Notebooks
The Uncertain Certainty: Interviews, Essays, and Notes on Poetry
Charles Simic: Essays on the Poetry edited by Bruce Weigl
Charles Simic and the Poetics of Uncertainty by Donovan McAbee
Let me leave you with “Tattoed City” from Poetry Vol. 163, No. 1 (Oct., 1993), p. 8