The “Find Books” link on the library homepage gives the call numbers and locations for print items in Perkins/Bostock.
Here are the most common call numbers with their corresponding location:
Call number | Location |
A – JK | Perkins Lower Floor 2 ( map ) |
JL – PZ | Perkins 4 ( map ) |
Q – QR | Bostock 4 ( map ) |
R – Z | Bostock 3 ( map ) |
Oversize A-Z | Use “Request” link in catalog |
000-999 | Use “Request” link in catalog |
Oversize 300s, 800s, 900s | Use “Request” link in catalog |
For other book locations in Perkins/Bostock click here.
If something is not on the shelf, please stop by the Perkins Reference Desk (or IM us); we’ll do our best to track it down for you.
Written by Nathaniel King