In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this is the first time we have produced an online-only issue of our library magazine. We hope to be back in your mailboxes again soon!
A Message from the University Librarian
As our community has come together, I am reminded of the strength of our Libraries and those who work to advance them.
Living Through History
How the Libraries have kept moving forward in the face of an unanticipated, historic, and serious public crisis.
FAQ: How We’re Planning to Reopen the Libraries
Find out how we’re ramping back up to a “new normal” of library services and operations.
Highlights from Our Student Survey
What do Duke students really think about the Libraries? We surveyed thousands of them to find out.
How To: Make a Mini-Zine
Searching for inspiration or activities within easy reach? Why not make your own zine?
Putting the “Global” Back into Global Pandemic
Our International and Area Studies librarians share recommended reads and resources about pandemics throughout world history.
Endnote: Before/After
Images of the Libraries in “normal” times, and in the time of COVID.