Spring-Summer 2018

Fifty Years Later, a Silence that Still Echoes

The “Silent Vigil” was one of the most defining—and best documented—moments in Duke’s history.

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Solving the Mystery of Tree Number One

On a campus with thousands and thousands of trees, how do you track down just one?

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A Valedictory Address of Our Own

A longtime library mainstay steps down.

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One Duke Nation, Indivisible

An immigrant’s path to Duke and how it changed his life.

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Greetings from the Library!

This year we celebrated National Library Week by inviting students to send a postcard from their “home away from home” at Duke.

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Print Version [PDF]

The articles above are excerpted from the Spring-Summer 2018 issue of Duke University Libraries Magazine. A printable PDF version of this entire issue is also available. [5 MB download]