Tag Archives: Haiti Lab

PAC Presents: Brownbag Discussion in the Haiti Lab

The Professional Affairs Committee of Librarians Assembly invites you to join Haiti Lab Co-directors Laurent Dubois and Deborah Jenson, Franklin Humanities Institute Director Ian Baucom and Librarians Holly Ackerman and Heidi Madden for a brownbag discussion of the Haiti Lab and the potential for involvement of Duke Libraries staff in future humanities labs.

When:  Friday, December 3 from 11:30 am-1 pm (moderated discussion will begin at noon)

Where:  The Haiti Lab; Smith Warehouse, Bay 4

Bring your lunch – we’ll provide dessert!

Register online at:  http://library.duke.edu/events/services/instruction/event.do?id=4641&occur=8691.

Learn more about the Haiti Lab at:  http://fhi.duke.edu/haitilab.

For more info about the Humanities Labs, see:  http://fhi.duke.edu/labs.