With the fall semester now well under way, we thought this would be a good time to remind our hard-working students and faculty that the library is not just for studying. Earlier this year, in response to student requests, the Libraries opened a space on the second floor of Perkins specifically dedicated to prayer and meditation.
The Prayer and Meditation Room is available for students and faculty of all faiths. The room is a shared space open to all members of the Duke community to use either individually or in groups.
Room 220 in Perkins Library is located near the open study area with wooden carrels on the library’s second floor. (See map below.)

Anyone who wishes to use the space is asked to follow a few simple guidelines:
- Prayer or meditation does not necessarily need to be silent, but it should be quiet enough not to disturb anyone studying in adjacent areas or rooms.
- The Prayer and Meditation Room cannot be reserved and is not to be used for studying or for meetings.
- If you use the room, please show respect toward others who use it. Keep the room clean, take your personal belongings with you when you leave, and do not sleep or bring food into the space.
We welcome members of all faiths who study and work in the library to use and enjoy this space!