Treat Yourself – with Pups! Puppies in Perkins Apr. 30

Classes are ending, food points are running out, and the weather is getting especially lovely. You might be saying, “I’m so over this semester” or find yourself in need of some extra cuddles. Well, we’re here to tell you we’ve got one last treat for you before you dig into finals week.

Did somebody say treat?

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of collars jingling, tails wagging, and all of your stresses floating away.

That’s right. It’s doggo time. Puppies in Perkins is back!

Finals? What finals?

Come join the Libraries and Duke PAWS in the Korman Assembly Room (Perkins 217) on Wednesday, April 30th for some quality time with Student’s Best Friend. From 1:00-3:00 pm, therapy dogs will be visiting the library to provide you with the study break —and snuggles— you need to finish this semester strong. There will also be fun, finals-themed button-making! Because who doesn’t love buttons?

We look furward to seeing you there!

Is it summer yet?