Happy Birthday, Jane!

December 16th was Jane Austen’s birthday!  This year was the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death!  Check out the #JaneAusten200 hashtag for some of the conversations around this event.   Even an airline is getting in on the celebration! Also, did you know that Jane is now on British money?

In celebration of her birthday and the anniversary of her death, here are several new titles published this year about her:

The Making of Jane Austen

Satire, Celebrity, and Politics in Jane Austen

The Genius of Jane Austen: Her Love of Theatre and Why She Works in Hollywood

Jane Austen: Writer in the World

Jane Austen and Her World

Since Persuasion turns 200 this year too, here are some titles related to this novel:

Persuasion: Authoritative Texts, Background and Contexts, Criticism

Persuasion: An Annotated Edition


Liberty in Jane Austen’s Persuasion

A Revolution Almost Beyond Expression: Jane Austen’s Persuasion

Persuasion and Persuasion (film versions)

Some people (okay, me) contend that Persuasion is her greatest novel, so you might want to give it a try!

Finally, check out this Vogue slideshow inspired by Jane Austen!