Yesterday, I gave a guest presentation to a User Interface Design class at UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Information & Library Science. The presentation reviews our process for redesigning our Digital Collections web site: how we have assessed the current site, what we have learned, what tools we have used to help the process, and what we plan to do next.
Category Archives: Presentations
INLS 740 March 16, 2010
Presentation on Initial Wireframes (2/3/10)
This morning, I gave a presentation to our library staff to show and discuss our possible wireframe prototypes, as well as the analysis that informed the designs. It’s a sort of visual summary of our redesign-related blog posts to this point. The embedded version here is small, but you can view the full presentation here.
DukeMobile and Digital Collections at the Duke TechExpo, October 12
CNI Spring Task Force Meeting 2009 – Presentation on Trident Project
I gave a presentation yesterday to CNI on our Trident Project. The slides are below
LAUNC-CH presentation on Metadata Librarianship
Noah Huffman and I (that would be Rich Murray), the two Metadata Librarians working on the Digital Collections team at Duke, spoke about our jobs at the LAUNC-CH conference in Chapel Hill on March 9 as part of a panel called “New Titles, Changing Workforce.” Thanks to everyone who attended, and to the conference organizers who invited us! As promised, here are the slides from our presentation.
LAUNC-CH Presentation
Presentation to Duke Libraries (2008 Usage Stats)
I presented this morning (March 4, 2009) at our monthly First Wednesday library IT presentation series about Digital Collections stats from 2008 server logs (slides below):
The slides are very basic. Included are some figures extracted from previous blog posts ( as well as ‘greatest hits’–the most-accessed item from each collection.
Presentation to INLS 740
Our Mistitled LITA Presentation
Sean Aery and I presented on Saturday, October 18 at the LITA National Forum on our homemade “Tripod” platform for digital collections. Here’s an embed of our Google slides:
We proposed this presentation back in February. The original title, “A Faceted Browsing Approach to Duke’s Digital Collections,” stuck, but by October 18, we had maybe one reference to facets in the presentation. I’m not sure what we should have called it. Something about the “three ‘bilities” might have been good, but that slide (#21) didn’t exist until October 16.