Before heading home for the summer, you may want to check whether you have any books out on loan… and when they’re due. Here’s how to find out:
- Click on “My Account” on the library homepage searchbox
- Enter your Net ID/password
- The number next to “Loans” will indicate the number of items you have out. Click on the link for the full details.
Once an item is overdue, you should receive an email. Charges can vary depending on the type of material (book, laptop, video) and the lending library. Here are some quick links:
Written by Kathi Matsura
A fellow librarian speaking: I really like this blog and in particular, the ‘question of the week’ idea.
Can you tell me who maintains this blog within the library (e.g., is it the staff from the Enquiry desk?), and how you generate new material or capture the material, which I presume originates from your users’ questions? Do you record these on paper first and then write them up?? Would love to know ….
Many thanks
Kind regards
R.C. Gick
Keele University, UK
Hi – thanks for the compliment!
Members of several library departments contribute to the blog. Right now the main contributors are from the Reference, Instruction, and Digital Projects departments. We have also had guest student contributors.
The Question of the Week is a project run by our reference interns, current library school students. We do a heavy traffic in virtual reference (IM and Meebo chat) and the interns analysed the questions from several months to see what the most commonly asked questions were. Then Kathi set out to write up each one (with the answers).