iTunes for Your Papers

Wouldn’t it be nice to have all your research (your papers, articles, etc.) in one place? Papers (for Mac, iPhone & iTouch) allows you to download, browse and organize all of your research from within its attractive and intuitive interface (2007 winner of Apple’s Design Award).

Papers allows you to perform searches in major databases, like Web of Science, JSTOR, Google Scholar and PubMed (to name a few). Articles retrieved from databases include rich metadata goodies, like full bibliographic info. The marketing of this tool seems to be geared towards science-related research, though it has potential for any form of research.

The $42 fee may be a deterrent to some, but students can purchase Papers at a 40% discount ($16.80). The application does wonders for organizing your papers, but does not support bibliographic managment (EndNote, RefWorks and Zotero).

For all the PC owners out there, sorry…the creators of Papers (Mekentosj) show no love for the PC. But check out an earlier post on the PC-friendly pdf organizer, Mendeley.

Written by Hannah Rozear

2 thoughts on “iTunes for Your Papers”

  1. Hannah,
    I am glad that you share this information. I have too much files and i want to put them all in one place. I think you have good idea about itunes. Well, i will follow your advice. I hope it will save my time searching for my files. Thanks!


  2. I prefer the old method of creating a folder hierarchy with which to organize my files/documents. However, if the application includes some type of off-site back up capability, I would be highly interested.


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