Links, articles, and stories about the Lilly Library renovation and expansion.

- “Duke University Receives New $5 Million Grant for Lilly Library Renovation,” DukeToday, April 29, 2024:
“Duke University has received $5 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. for the renovation and expansion of Lilly Library on the university’s East Campus, capping off years of planning and fundraising to bring the university’s first library into the 21st century.”
- “Lilly Library Expansion and Renovation to Affect East Campus Tennis Courts,” DukeToday, April 24, 2024:
“Six tennis courts will be removed when library renovation project begins this summer.”
- “Lilly Library to Close for Two Years When Renovations Begin in May,” Duke Chronicle, March 24, 2024:
“During the closure, Lilly staff will be based out of the Bishop’s House, located behind Bassett dorm.”
- “A Big Art Move Begins the Renovation of Lilly Library,” DukeToday, March 17, 2024:
“The first step in preparing Lilly Library for two years of renovations: removing the notable artwork from the building over spring break.”
- “Pictures of Lilly,” DukeMag, Winter 2024:
“After Duke’s historic first library building is renovated in 2024, the stacks will be new, but the charm will remain.”
- “Renewing Duke’s Physical Campus for Tomorrow,” Working@Duke, November 30, 2023:
“Duke focuses on maintaining the legacy of buildings, enhancing facilities and landscape.”
- “The Duke Endowment Awards Additional $10 Million to Lilly Library Renovation Project,” Duke University Libraries Magazine, Spring/Summer 2023:
“Duke University has received a second $10 million award from The Duke Endowment for the renovation of its historic Lilly Library on East Campus. In 2020, The Duke Endowment gave an initial $10 million to support the renovation project.”
- “What Students Are Saying About Lilly,” Duke University Libraries Magazine, Spring/Summer 2023:
“Even Lilly’s most devoted fans found plenty of room for improvement in the current condition of the aging building, driving home the need for the upcoming renovation and expansion.”
- “‘Crown jewel of East Campus’: Lilly Library renovation project is underway with a $10 million grant,” Duke Chronicle, October 27, 2021:
“A $10 million grant for Lilly Library’s renovation means the project can finally move forward after delays from COVID-19 restrictions.”
- “Grant Brings Lilly Library Transformation Closer,” DukeToday, October 6, 2021:
“The Duke Endowment’s $10 million grant will support library’s first significant renovation since East Campus was built.”
- “Letter: Thank a Lilly librarian today,” Duke Chronicle, September 20, 2021:
“Thank you for everything you do and especially for the intangible and untrackable miniature things that are so important to Lilly culture.”
- Video: “The Lilly Project: The Renovation and Expansion of Lilly Library,” Giving to Duke, August 3, 2021:
“The result [of the renovation] will be a reinvigorated and better integrated East Campus, with Lilly serving as the focal point for a new academic neighborhood that welcomes first-years and build a foundation for their entire academic career.”
- “What Was It Like When Lilly Was Built?” Duke University Libraries Magazine, Fall/Winter 2021-22:
“To understand why Lilly Library needs renovating, it helps to consider how old the building actually is.”
- “Rooting for Lilly? That’s the Ticket.” Duke University Libraries Magazine, Fall/Winter 2021-22:
“For every ticket sold to regular season home games, Duke Athletics will donate one dollar toward the renovation and expansion of Lilly Library.”
- “Academic Council hears presentations on Duke-Durham relationship, library renovations,” Duke Chronicle, January 17, 2020:
“Jakubs admitted that ‘some students call it creepy,’ and she hopes that the renovation sparks more changes on East Campus.”
- “Bringing the Best of West to East: A Preview of the Lilly Library Renovation and Expansion,” Duke University Libraries Magazine, Fall/Winter 2019-20:
“The design preserves the intimacy and charm that generations of Blue Devils have always loved about Lilly, while adding modern conveniences and spaces that will dramatically improve the student experience at Duke for generations to come.”
- “Lilly Library renovation next summer will feature cafe, Co-Lab, other amenities,” Duke Chronicle, November 5, 2019:
“President Vincent Price announced a year ago that Lilly Library, one of Duke’s oldest buildings, was in line for renovation. But how much progress has been made, and what changes should future students expect to see?”
- “A Big Lift for Lilly: Lead Gifts Support Planned Renovation and Expansion,” Duke University Libraries Magazine, Fall/Winter 2018-19:
“The Duke University Libraries has received $10 million, President Price announced in a press release, in support of the planned renovation and expansion of Lilly Library, one of Duke’s oldest and most architecturally significant buildings.”
The Renovation and Expansion of Lilly Library