With the opening of Star Trek Into Darkness this week, it seemed like a good time to check out what our collections have on Star Trek. As it turns out, Star Trek’s long history before becoming a star-powered summer blockbuster is well represented in our collections.
I found a number of Star Trek comic books in the Edwin and Terry Murray Comic Book Collection which are a lot of fun:

But my favorite piece comes from the Edwin and Terry Murray Fanzine Collection. Fanzines are nonprofessional publications produced by fans of particular pop culture genres or works. Most of the fanzines in the Murray collection are from comic book fans, but there are some from the genres of science fiction and fantasy, including issue 3 of Spockanalia. Spockanalia was the first fanzine devoted exclusively to Star Trek. The first issue was published in 1967 during the first season of the original television series. Spocknalia 3 was published in 1968 and features essays on Star Trek, fiction, drawings, and even a letter from Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. Here are some highlights:

Post contributed by Kate Collins, Research Services Librarian
Klingons rule! Qapla!
Cool! Thanks for posting this! I definitely need to get over there and see this.