This month on the 1091 Project we are celebrating the end of the year and all of our accomplishments. Each lab celebrates in a different way. Parks Library Preservation has an in-house training session. We…eat.
Our lab’s tradition this time of year is to have a departmental lunch at the Nasher Museum of Art, our beautiful campus museum. They have a wonderful, sunny building and great exhibits. It is a real treat to stop repairing things for a while and share a meal, catch up with each other, and look at some wonderful exhibits.
I would like to take this time to express my unending gratitude to the staff, students and volunteers in Conservation for working so hard over the past year, as they always do. I am impressed and amazed at the amount of work we have done this year in support of the renovation project. Thanks everyone. I am very lucky to work with such a wonderful, talented group of people.

To all of our readers, thank you for reading our blog this year, we look forward to sharing more of our work with you in 2013. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous holiday and new year. Be sure to read what Parks Library Preservation is doing to celebrate the season.