We are creating custom enclosures for materials from the History of Medicine Collection. The fantastic staff of the Conservation Lab made these while I was at the AIC conference.
They left them all on my bench as a welcome-back present. I love evidence of productivity like this, and it isĀ much more satisfying than the other welcome-back present I had…527 emails in my inbox.
Duke was giving out H1N1 flu shots today and quite by coincidence I found this ad in a bound set of Women’s Penny Papers (1889-1890). This book is going into the British Women Writers exhibit that is being installed on Monday afternoon. Since the paper and binding are fairly fragile, I’m making a custom-fit book cradle so it can be exhibited safely.
It’s also serves as a good reminder to take care of yourself as the semester winds down and the holidays begin. Get plenty of rest, eat right and stay healthy over the break. Otherwise you will be having beef wine for your holiday meal.