I wanted to show off a beautiful repair that Mary completed recently. I saw this on the “ready for quality control” shelf and just fell in love with her repair.
The title is “Improved Phreno-Chart” by Br. C. Townsend (1859). The book needed a reback. Mary toned a piece of cotton to match the color of the original cover, then she took some sandpaper to the cotton to rough it up to mimic the wear on the original cloth. She did a really lovely job making the new spine blend into the original cloth.
What makes the book even more fun is the content. The book is a meant to be a workbook for an individual to fill out. In this case, Charles Miller was tested on February 9, 1864.
The text is filled with scores. I’m not sure what they mean, but it is really interesting to see a working document like this in the general collections.
Beautiful work, Mary!