Happy Second Birthday Devil’s Tale!

From the Gamble CollectionHappy Belated 2nd Birthday to our sister blog The Devil’s Tale. On October 8, 2009, TDT began their quest for blogging superstar-dom.

Reading The Devil’s Tale is a great way to connect to our special and archival collections as well as to our staff members. TDT’s posts (yeah Amy!) are insightful, educational and often humorous. Yes, librarians do have a sense of humor!

Without The Devil’s Tale, how would you know what new collections have come in? Or what  curious things the staff has found?

We know you want to know more about such things as gangrene and hair, don’t you? Yes you do! Surf on over to The Devil’s Tale and see what’s happening in the wild world of the Rubenstein Library.


Image “Two Betties” from the Sydney D. Gamble Photograph Collection, Rubenestein Library.

2 thoughts on “Happy Second Birthday Devil’s Tale!”

  1. To be honest, if I wasn’t preparing for this Intro to WordPress demo, I wouldn’t have remembered, either. But it’s now on my calendar!

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