Here in the Libraries, we’re always looking for ways to make your life easier. That’s why every two years we invite library users to take part in a brief user survey to help us better understand their experiences and thoughts on library spaces, collections, and services.
The survey takes no more than 5 minutes to complete and will remain open between now and February 13.
Student Survey: As a special thank you for participating, all student respondents will be entered into a raffle for a $150 Amazon gift card.
Faculty Survey: All faculty members who respond will be entered to win a $75 gift card to their favorite restaurant.
When libraries, students, and faculty work together, everybody wins. Take a look at some of the improvements we’ve made in the last two years as a direct result of our last user survey.
Changes We Made in Response to 2016 User Survey
- Bought 2 FitDesks and more standing desks
- Added color and icon-based signage to make navigating Perkins and Bostock easier
- Increased frequency with which we clean computers and study tables
- Developed a workflow for checking broken power outlets
- Ensured keyboard and computer equipment is cleaned regularly and replaced as need
- Made improvements to public computers
- Improved our Room Reservation page and made it easier for students to reserve group study rooms and access specialized spaces in the library
- Added an Interview Room and made enhancements to both spaces
- Evaluated and made improvements to ePrint
- Worked with DSG to develop OASIS:Perkins
- Developed clear signage to help students select study spaces based on their needs and preferences
- Worked with security guards to enforce Quiet Zone guidelines
Feedback is what helps the Libraries grow, and the more input we get, the better we’ll be able to renovate, rethink, and improve.
So please, take a couple minutes of your time to complete the 2018 survey—and thank you for your help in making the Duke University Libraries a better place.