Date: Tuesday, March 24
Time: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Perkins Library, Room 217
Contact: Paolo Mangiafico, paolo.mangiafico@duke.edu
Register to attend (it’s free!): http://bit.ly/humanities-publishing-march24
Please join us for a talk on changing models of scholarly publishing in the humanities, and how a transition to open access models might be funded and sustained.
Through the economic and structural reconfiguration made possible by the Internet, the potential for new modes of publishing scholarship have emerged. However, there has also been much alarm in the humanities disciplines, particularly at the proposed changes to economic models that could underwrite transitions to new models of publishing, such as open access.
In this talk, Dr. Martin Paul Eve, author of Open Access and the Humanities (Cambridge University Press, 2014) will explore the contexts, controversies and pragmatic paths for the future of open access and other potential transitions in scholarly publishing in the humanities.
The event is free and open to the public, but please register to attend.
For more information on the topics Dr. Eve will be discussing, please see:
- a review of his recent book, Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future
- his occasional writings on humanities scholarship in The Guardian
- his blog
This event is sponsored by the Office of Copyright and Scholarly Communications, Duke University Libraries.