Open Access Panel Discussion
When: Friday, October 18
Time: 3:30- 5:00 p.m.
Where: Old Chemistry Building, Room 011 (Click for Map)
Registration: No registration is required
There will be a reception following the panel discussion.
In celebration of Open Access Week, the Duke Forum for Scholars and Publics will be hosting a panel on Open Access as part of their open house event. The discussion will explore how the push for Open Access to academic journals and other scholarly publications, along with the rapid rise of MOOCs, is reshaping the image of the university in the broader world.
The panelists represent a diverse group of opinions. They include Ken Wissoker from Duke University Press, faculty members Cathy Davidson and Mohamed Noor, and Paolo Mangiafico from the Duke University Libraries. The discussion will be moderated by Mark Anthony Neal, and opening remarks will be made by Dean Laurie Patton.
For more information, see the Forum for Scholars and Publics blog.
This event is sponsored by the Forum for Scholars and Publics.