Category Archives: Lobby Book

Originally appeared in the Perkins Lobby Suggestion Book.

What is the largest lemur?

What is the largest lemur? [3592A]

Along with the Indri, the Diademed Sifaka is the largest of the living lemurs.  There used to be many more large species (some as large as a small female gorilla), but they’ve become extinct with exposure to man (way to go, man!).  With arms fully extended, the Indri can reach nearly 4 feet in length and can weigh nearly 30 pounds.

The largest known lemur in the United States was a Sifaka named Mac, who lived on a farm outside of Libertyville, Illinois.  When he died from heart failure in 2005, Mac weighed an incredible 45 pounds.  He’d been trained to play a small cello, but in his last years did little more than slouch in a bean bag chair and eat Cap’n Crunch right out of the box.

Why not rent out blankets in Perkins?

Why not rent out blankets in Perkins? (washed after use) [3582B]

[written in answer space:  Small pox (germ warfare…uncool)]

I concur that germ warfare is uncool, but that’s not the reason, Secret Scribbler.  Renting out blankets really isn’t our raison d’être. The nearest I can come to fulfilling your request is to recommend the following texts from our collection:

  • On the blanket: the inside story of the IRA prisoners’ “dirty” protest, by Tim Pat Coogan
  • Hot water music, by Charles Bukowski
  • Somewhere during the spin cycle: poems, by Joseph Mills

How big is the average nose?

How big is the average nose?  Please address each dimension. [3570B]

Da Vinci believed that the nose from bridge to tip is the length of the index finger from the knuckle to the tip; the width of the base of the nose is equal to the width of the eye.  While people are generally getting larger, Da Vinci was all about proportion, so his calculations should remain accurate.  Furthermore, he was known to take meticulous measurements and is believed to have been especially determined to get the crotch to mid-thigh measurement correct.

Magic carpet rides in Perkins Library

Why is the elevator for the Polisci department so sketchy?  [3589B]

[written in other hand:  It’s actually a TARDIS.]

Sometimes it feels like a TARDIS (Doctor Who’s Time Machine, for all you non-nerds), Secret Scribbler.  It’s taken me on all sorts of crazy rides when I’ve only pushed 2.  Fortunately, when the original portion of Perkins Library is renovated, old Otis (which has been in operation since 1949), will be mercifully put down.