Category Archives: Duke Libraries

Duke Libraries' LGBT fiction collection

Can the library get a larger section of LGBT fiction?  You have very little… [3574C]

[written in answer space:  Erotic Fiction?]

Sorry to be the one to break it to you, Secret Scribbler, but LGBT fiction and Erotic fiction are not synonymous.

One of the Libraries’ missions is to build collections that support the University’s curriculum and research.  That said, with a finite collections budget and predatory vendors setting serials prices that far outpace inflation, it’s difficult to purchase everything for everybody in our community.  Fortunately, you can get pretty much anything you want through Interlibrary Loan.  With our expedited loan agreement with UNC-CH, NC State, and NC Central, you can get materials from their collections within 48 hours.  Our combined collections are more than 15 million volumes!  And you’re always welcome to suggest a purchase for the Perkins Library Collection.

Libraries' mysterious motion-sensor sinks

Why do the motion-sensor sinks in the restrooms around here work so poorly? [3586C]

[written in answer space:  It’s all part of the water conservation initiative and the idea is that a majority of people will get frustrated enough to resort to antibacterial no-rinse-required spray.]

Interesting theory, Secret Scribbler.  But it’s more likely imprecise technology than the administration’s plot to force us to use antibacterial no-rinse-required spray.  As evidence I present the fact that, while washing my hands recently and standing a good distance from the Cormatic Automated Touchless Towel Dispenser, that device shot out the prescribed quantity of paper towel.  “What the hell,” I exclaimed, at which point the Cormatic responded by dispensing another quantity of paper towel of the exact size.

Why not rent out blankets in Perkins?

Why not rent out blankets in Perkins? (washed after use) [3582B]

[written in answer space:  Small pox (germ warfare…uncool)]

I concur that germ warfare is uncool, but that’s not the reason, Secret Scribbler.  Renting out blankets really isn’t our raison d’être. The nearest I can come to fulfilling your request is to recommend the following texts from our collection:

  • On the blanket: the inside story of the IRA prisoners’ “dirty” protest, by Tim Pat Coogan
  • Hot water music, by Charles Bukowski
  • Somewhere during the spin cycle: poems, by Joseph Mills

Magic carpet rides in Perkins Library

Why is the elevator for the Polisci department so sketchy?  [3589B]

[written in other hand:  It’s actually a TARDIS.]

Sometimes it feels like a TARDIS (Doctor Who’s Time Machine, for all you non-nerds), Secret Scribbler.  It’s taken me on all sorts of crazy rides when I’ve only pushed 2.  Fortunately, when the original portion of Perkins Library is renovated, old Otis (which has been in operation since 1949), will be mercifully put down.

A little bit of housekeeping

Why is it that both East and West housekeepers never seem to work, but always seem to get away with it?  Then complain about how much work they have? [3571C]

[written in answer space:  One word, bucko–unionization.  Call in the Pinkertons, I dare say!]

If you have specific criticisms or compliments regarding housekeeping, in Perkins/Bostock you should contact Keith Wooten, Housekeeping Supervisor, directly at or 684.5921.

Still passionate about library access!

Dear AP,

I previously wrote a question asking why we students don’t have after-hours card access to this door (the door by this book).  Although I haven’t seen a response yet, I just tried my card, and it works now!  If this improvement was your doing in response to that question, then thank you! [3572C]

My pleasure (I believe you’re referring to “Passionate about library access!“).

Impressing an English major

What should I read to impress an English major (male)? [3572B]

Good gracious!  Why would you want to do that?  Because if you impress him, you might marry him after graduation.  He’d hang around the fringes of academia until he became a librarian, inevitably committing the two of you to a life of penury.  But if you really can’t help yourself, being seen in the von der Heyden Pavilion with an open copy Finnegans Wake should do the trick. Believe me, he won’t understand it anymore than you do.


Why isn’t there an Eprint on at least every other floor in Perkins/Bostock? [3569A]

By my count, there are six release stations distributed throughout Perkins First Floor, three on Bostock First Floor, and one on Perkins Lower Floor 1. That’s ten locations to print articles and other materials free of charge! The printers are in these locations because most e-print jobs involve users coming in to the library to print something before a class or before they leave the library.