How do you pronounce the name of that delicious sandwich-type food, the gyro? I don’t want to sound ignorant, but also not like I’m trying way too hard to sound greek or intellectual.
I thank you.
ANSWER PERSON RESPONDS: The Oxford English Dictionary says the first consonant sound is a soft “g,” like “j” or maybe like “dj” and the first vowel sound is either “ai” (like an English long “i”) or “ee” (like an English long “e”. The Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary says “yee-ro” or “zhir-o”. The “ro” part is pretty clear, but the first syllable is all up to you. I think I’ll go with jzhee-ro. The fine folks in the Perkins Reference department will be happy to show you many other dictionaries to peruse for that perfect gyro.